In Austin -August 09, 2008

It’s been a golf-filled trip these past few day with my dad. Today we finished our 3rd round in 3 days and we have played 3 great and exclusive courses. Now if you know my dad, he would not just go play anywhere, he likes to go to the finest courses. To get on these courses, it takes more than money, but influence. He’s got a lot of influence.

Thurday it was the San Antonio Country Club. That’s a nice old -style course, bordered by 4 streets in the same place for years in Alamo Heights. It was a good round and fine experience from the lunch before in the grill to the shower after in the locker room.

Friday, it was the UT Golf Club which is the new home of the men’s and womens’ golf team. I told the pro that Ed was a former UT golf (Ed would never just say that – too modest) and the pro ended up comping Ed’s round: very nice. The course was challenging, long. Best part was the tour of the college golf facilities – you needed a special tour (non-public areas). Special locker and study areas and practice areas for the teams that are always among the best in the country. There was also a plaque for the Massengil Cup which goes to the low team qualifier every year. They had the players from the 1950’s on it and Ed enjoyed seeing their names.

Today we played at Spanish Oaks which is an exclusive place. The course is located behind these unmarked doors. Lots of blind shot and also a tough driving course. Excellent condition. One thing that made it special was that there were all sorts of snacks and drinks available – complimentary. It was like being at a favorite aunt or grandmother’s house: whatever you want!

Tomorrow will also be a highlight. We have time in the a.m. so we are going to the Butler 3 par course. Ed recalls winning a tournament there in 1952, when he was a UT golfer. Maybe we’ll see his name on a plaque.

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